Digital Article in OutThere Colorado on February 18, 2021 by Breanna Sneeringer

The new additions include CO.12/U.S. 160 (Scenic Highway of Legends) in southeastern Colorado and CO 149/U.S. 50 (Silver Thread) in south-central Colorado.
CDOT describes the new National Scenic Byways as follows:
Scenic Highway of Legends: (Southeastern Colorado – CO 12/U.S. 160): “Features the Spanish Peaks where gold-seeking conquistadors and Comanche, Pueblo and Tarahumara Indians once traveled.” The route connects between Trinidad, La Veta, Walsenburg and Aguilar.
Silver Thread: (South-Central & Southwestern Colorado – CO 149/U.S. 50): “This route allows travelers to roam through wonderfully isolated swatches of the San Juan Mountains and includes both historic main streets and top-of-pass scenic overlooks.” The scenic route stretches from South Fork, Creede, Lake City, and Blue Mesa Reservoir near Gunnison.
“These new designations are a tribute to this great state and characterize the breadth of its beautiful landscapes, history and culture,” said Colorado Department of Transportation Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “In addition to providing new and exciting adventures for travelers, our Scenic and Historic Byways help protect these much-valued areas of Colorado.”
Designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation, these roads are recognized for their “outstanding scenic and historic attributes.”
“What a remarkable nod to our State’s timeless beauty and a well-deserved recognition for the efforts of Colorado citizens to share it with everyone,” said Nathan Boyless, chair of Colorado’s Scenic and Historic Byways Commission. “The open road beckons, scenic travels!”
Colorado’s Scenic and Historic Byway program has been around since it was established in 1989.